Ship&Offshore - the international maritime trade publication

The English-language magazine Ship&Offshore combines relevant news from the international shipbuilding and offshore industries with in-depth technical articles on current and upcoming developments. With dedicated features on digitalisation, decarbonisation, offshore renewables and associated topics, the Ship&Offshore portfolio offers its readers a comprehensive and tailored overview of what's going on in the maritime business. What's more, with the addition of the established Ship and Offshore Repair Journal and Ship Repair Newsletter (SRN), the vast and significant fields of repair, maintenance, retrofitting and conversion is just one click away. Twice a week, SRN and the well-known Ship&Offshore newsletter informs about the latest in shipbuilding, operation, offshore and marine technology and the repair business. 

With Ship&Offshore, DVV Media Group offers a product family that provides maritime information with a high level of technical competence for the global shipbuilding and offshore markets. In six regular issues per year, the international sister publication of the established German brand Schiff&Hafen reports on current trends and developments in shipbuilding, ship equipment, operation, and offshore technology.

The regular issues are supplemented by various dedicated comprehensive features such as GreenTech, SmartShip and Energy at Sea, focusing on sustainable operation, digitalisation and offshore renewable energy, respectively.

Furthermore, we publish country editions in the respective language for the big trade shows around the world, such as Posidonia (in Greek) and Marintec (in Mandarin). 

Key features of Ship&Offshore

Curated information for the maritime business

Ship&Offshore provides maritime information with a high level of technical competence for the global shipbuilding and offshore markets. 

Specials: international and topical issues and supplements

The six regular issues of Ship&Offshore are supplemented by topical and regional Special Editions, such as SmartShip, GreenTech, Energy at Sea, a Greek Edition for Posidonia and a Chinese Editon for Marintec. 

Repair, maintenance and retrofit

Since autumn 2023, the wellknown Ship and Offshore Repair Journal (SORJ) and Ship Repair Newsletter (SRN) have been part of the portfolio of Schiff&Hafen and Ship&Offshore. The first issue was presented for Europort in November 2023.


Technical articles on modern shipbuilding technologies, the maritime supply industry and offshore technologies as well as current developments in the shipping industry are in focus of the German-language journal Schiff&Hafen. The technical trade magazine for German-speaking regions addresses shipbuilding engineers as well as specialists and executives from shipping companies, ports, shipyards and maritime supplier companies.

You can find the separate German website of Schiff&Hafen here. And don't forget to register the free of charge Schiff&Hafen newsletter!

Key features of Schiff&Hafen

Comprehensive overview of the maritime business

In its regular sections Shipbuilding & Ship Technology, Offshore & Marine Technology, Shipping & Ports and Career & Personnel, Schiff&Hafen provides a comprehensive overview of current industry events and product developments. Focal points include propulsion technology, green ship technology and digitalisation. The issues are supplemented by a weekly newsletter and specials on important maritime events, including trade fairs and congresses, as well as special publications, such as the VDMA special "German Marine Equipment" and the publication "Talents for Maritime" addressing young professionals.

International issues

Schiff&Hafen is the "big sister" of our international maritime portfolio of Ship&Offshore. 

Official organ

Schiff&Hafen is the official organ of the Association of German Captains and Ship Officers (VDKS), the German Shipbuilding Society (STG), the Society for Maritime Technology (GMT), the Offshore Wind Energy Foundation, the Research Association for Shipbuilding and Marine Technology (Forschungsvereinigung Schiffbau und Meerestechnik e.V.) (FSM) and the Association of German Engineers (VDI), as well as a specialist forum for the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) –  Working Group Marine Equipment and Systems, the Association for Shipbuilding and Marine Technology e.V. (VSM) and Project Management Jülich.

New Ships

New Ships is an exclusive weekly information service in English and contains up-to-date insider information for a top-class readership of managers and decision-makers in the international maritime industry. The newsletter provides concise and comprehensive information on current orders for newbuildings, and the most important developments in the international shipbuilding industry. New ship designs and operators' plans for fleet expansion are also included.
New Ships draws on the entire worldwide network of correspondents of the renowned trade journals Schiff&Hafen and Ship&Offshore.

Ship and Offshore Repair Journal

Since autumn 2023, the wellknown Ship and Offshore Repair Journal (SORJ) and Ship Repair Newsletter (SRN) have been part of the portfolio of Schiff&Hafen and Ship&Offshore. 

Key features of Ship and Offshore Repair Journal

Curated information for the maritime business

With the Ship and Offshore Repair Journal (SORJ) and the Ship Repair Newsletter (SRN) the high-quality editorial of the Ship&Offshore family has gained an important and relevant addition to its portfolio. 

Quickly and comprehensively informed

Access to an international network of first-class maritime experts

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