Höegh and Svitzer adopt sustainable port calls

With the EcoTow solution, the carbon emissions from towage jobs are mass balanced by carbon credits generated by Svitzer’s use of biofuel across its international towage operations
(Source: Höegh Autoliners)
Towage company, Svitzer, and vehicle transporter, Höegh Autoliners, have cooperated in the development of an emissions-reducing procedure in towage operations in Australia. At the end of the Höegh Aurora’s maiden voyage to Australia, Svitzer implemented its first EcoTow operation, a proprietary carbon insetting system. Svitzer claims the system has offset carbon dioxide emissions almost entirely.
The system works by balancing carbon emissions from towage operations with carbon credits generated by Svitzer’s use of biofuels in its international towage operations. The offsetting process is assessed and assured by an external auditor.
The 9,100-CEU Höegh Aurora, capable of operating on a range of marine fuels, is the first in a series of 12 Aurora-class pure car truck carriers. Its sustainable features have reduced carbon emissions per vehicle transported by 58% compared with the current industry standard, the company says.
Höegh Autoliners’ COO, Sebjørn Dahl, said: “Höegh Autoliners is whole-heartedly set on achieving our 2040 net-zero emissions goal, and the EcoTow agreement with Svitzer on the Höegh Aurora’s visit to Australia illustrates our ongoing commitment in meeting these goals. We are proud to have secured the first-ever, low-carbon towage service in Australia and it is only appropriate that our innovative, world-leading Aurora Class vessel delivers this first, providing the opportunity to further reduce the carbon footprint of our customers’ value chains.”