Australian Government vessels to be repaired in Singapore

The salvage/rescue vessel Besant, managed by Teekay Shipping (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (Source: RAN)
Singapore’s shiprepair giant Seatrium has signed a Favoured Customer Contract (FCC) with ship management company Teekay Shipping (Australia) Ltd. for the repair and upgrade of a fleet of vessels its operates under the Australian Defence Maritime Support Services Programme (DMSSP).
The contract confirms Seatrium’s first long-term strategic partnership with a major ship management company and includes the refit of a series of vessels over the next two years.
Teekay currently operates a fleet of five ships owned by the Australian Government:
- Sycamore – 2,935 full load displacement 2016 - built training vessel
- ADV Ocea Protector – 6,596gt 2007 - built customs and border force patrol vessel
- Stoker – 93.2m 2015 - built submarine rescue vessel for the Royal Australian Navy
- Besant – 3,231gt 2015 - built salvage/rescue vessel
- Seahorse Mercator – 212gt 2018 - built naval training vessel